Home and abroad

If I should die
Remember this of me
There is a corner
Of far west West Wales
That holds my soul.
Afraid -
I felt afraid
To go away,
Fearing I might not see again
The setting sun,
The moonlight on that sea.

But from the train
I saw the evening star
Above the Bodensee
In pale green space
Below a mackerel sky.
That same bright star
That shines above our cliffs...
And, reassured, I knew
I would survive
To see my home again.
Germany, Lake Constance, September 1999
Reeds at Federsee

Beyond the board-walk
The reeds
Sway as one and sigh
Embodiment of the wind
Incessantly hissing...........
Germany, Federsee, September 1999
By Fran Barker