Sun worshipper

Come to me, come to me
Passionate lover
Your long burning fingers
Invading my skin,
Invading, transfixing
Bemusing, transporting,
Beyond thought and reason
Let feeling begin.

Come to me, come to me,
Cool younger brother,
Caressing and soothing
And ruffling my hair,
Whispering, whispering,
Life is illusion
Feeling is everything,
Reason beware.
France, South Brittany, 1982

Toutes les Choses Belles
Toutes les Choses Belles
Il y avais la-giu
Toutes les choses que j’aime de la vie.
Les fleurs vibrantes
Dodelerant au soleil
La douceur de la brise
E de l’amicite,
Un para-soleil
Une verre de vin…..
Mon esprit voler haut
Avec les oiseaux.
France, San Marguerite, 1980s
Tamarisk Time

All time passes......
The bad so slowly
And the good too fast.
For me
Paradise would be
To freeze this moment -
The sun transfixing
And the wind a breath....
The green pine needles
Sharp against the sky,
The pink fronds
Of the tamarisk
Drowsing in the sun...
The murmur of the surf
Soothing other sounds...
The taste of wine...
No haste, no need to move......
Stop .......Remember.... this moment
This moment...... now.
France, Ste Marguerite, Nr Ste Nazaire, 1983
A friend remembered

I should not be here
In this wind-chilled sun
With the gulls flying
And the shrouds slapping
On foreign masts.
I should be there
In the frost-cold bite
Of the northeast coast
Where my friends salute
A friend departed.

He would have liked it here
With the sun glancing
On the wind-white waves
He would have smiled
Breathing the salt-laced air
Cold from the snowy Alps
Then shepherded us all
To a cosy place
For coffee and cognac.
France, Cannes, The Marina, 1 March 1989
By Fran Barker