Story by a Solva Soul
This was Thea's first day of working from home. How lovely not to rush. She was always scared of missing the bus. How lovely to feel relaxed because of having time to Spare. She enjoyed this new way of working. It suited her.
She tried not to dwell on the destructive effects of the Coronavirus and the reasoning behind the government's policies. She simply accepted that she was fortunate and that there was truth in the old saying - "It is an ill wind that blows no good."
On the second day, Thea went for a walk before starting work. She enjoyed walking alone. It gave her the freedom of taking her time and doing as she pleased. Self-isolation wasn't a problem.
She took the path leading to the sea and was delighted by the beauty of early spring on display and suddenly became aware that something had changed. In some magical way the flowers, the buds, the singing birds, the silently feeding sheep, the glittering sea, the air, the light, everything had merged together and embraced her. She felt loved and included. She knew now that she was part of all life.
She walked home a changed person. She had been taught that she could isolate herself physically but in spirit, she was linked to all life.
The news on television was dreadful. In the past, she was able to distance herself from the misfortunes of others - but not now. She was filled with compassion and shame. She felt shame for being self-centered and unloving. She had to do something to help. She vowed to do something to help.
She had some money saved. She would give it to charity.
She had plenty of time. Were volunteers still sought after?